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Have Business, Must Blog

Bob owns a bicycle business. He has a blog on his company’s website that he updates two or three times a week. Frank also has a bicycle business and a website, but he doesn’t have a blog. Because of Bob’s blogging, his website averages 55 percent more visitors and 97 percent more inbound links than Frank’s website.  Bob has an advantage. Bob has a blog.

Bob’s blog increases business exposure, boosts customer loyalty, improves his website’s search engine rankings, and generates quality, relevant traffic. How and why does Bob’s blog achieve such results? First of all, he doesn’t mistake his blog for an ongoing advertisement. Instead of posts about how great his bikes are, or why you need to buy new tires, Bob writes posts like “Bike Laws 101” and “Chain Maintenance.” He rarely mentions products or sales, unless it’s relevant. People subscribe to his blog, and stay subscribed. They also tell their friends. Bob knows the secret of business blogging success: unique, quality content that addresses the needs of his customers. Because of how Bob blogs, his company is a respected resource in the biking community.

Another reason for his success is how frequently Bob blogs. Posting at least twice every week boosts his credibility. Especially in the e-commerce world, nurturing trust is a must. A long-running blog, with customer comments and responses, shows Bob’s potential customers that he communicates. His blog proves that he’s knowledgeable and here to stay.

Bob’s frequent blogging also gives him a bump in search engine rankings. Google sees that his website is regularly updated and has visitor participation. It considers this website alive and active, providing fresh, valuable content. Search engines reward this by giving the website high rankings. Because most blog posts are short and focused on a single topic, they’re also keyword-rich content that search engines love. Bob’s fresh, quality content means he can skip the pay-per-click ads. He’s already at the top of list.

Remember Frank? He doesn’t have a blog, and hasn’t updated his website in months. It doesn’t even show up in the search engines. By not blogging Frank has rendered his company invisible. He’s opted out of a global conversation without even realizing it. Bob’s blog lets him participate and network with customers. Frank still hasn’t said a word.

There are other reasons why Bob blogs. It provides him with real-time customer feedback. It helps keep his customers informed about company news, upcoming sales, and new products. In the event of a problem – like a service outage or product shortage –  his blog lets him notify customers before the complaints begin.

Blogs are quickly becoming a marketing mainstay. They don’t just get people talking about your brand, they let you talk back. They improve your company’s credibility and customer loyalty. They improve your search rankings, and increase your website traffic in quantity and quality. Best of all blogging is fun, affordable, and effective. It sounds like Bob knows a thing or two about business.